Thursday, 31 May 2012

Which of the following statements best defines a fibroadenoma:

A) Smooth, spherical or elliptical mass.
B) Firm and lumpy mass with large lobules.
C) Can present at any age, but more common in old age.
D) Often associated with lactation.
E) Warm and erythematous mass.

The answer is B. Fibroadnenomas are common, benign breast lumps which form from overgrowth of collagenous mesenchyme. They are firm, smooth, regular and mobile lumps. 1/3 will stay the same size, 1/3 will grow bigger, 1/3 will go away. They do not become cancerous or increase the risk of breast cancer.

A refers to a cyst.

C refers to carcinoma, this type of lump would usually be rock hard, irregular, tethered and could have skin changes such as peau d'orange or nipple changes.

D refers to infective mastitis.

E refers to a breast abscess.

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